Linux Cubed Series 2: Applications
Linux Cubed Series 2 - Applications.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
480 lines
* *********************************************************************
* * Copyright (C) 1988, 1990 Stanford University. *
* * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this *
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* * fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright *
* * notice appear in all copies. Stanford University *
* * makes no representations about the suitability of this *
* * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without *
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* *********************************************************************
#include <stdio.h>
#include "defs.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "globals.h"
/* useful subroutines for dealing with network */
public char vchars[] = "0XX1";
public char *ttype[ NTTYPES ] =
#define HASHSIZE 4387 /* hash table size */
#define NBIT_HASH 14 /* number of bits for HASHSIZE */
private nptr hash[HASHSIZE];
public int GetHashSize()
return( HASHSIZE );
/* hashing function used in interning symbols */
private char lcase[128] =
0, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07,
010, 011, 012, 013, 014, 015, 016, 017,
020, 021, 022, 023, 024, 025, 026, 027,
030, 031, 032, 033, 034, 035, 036, 037,
' ', '!', '"', '#', '$', '%', '&', 047,
'(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/',
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
'8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?',
'@', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g',
'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o',
'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w',
'x', 'y', 'z', '[', 0134, ']', '^', '_',
'`', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g',
'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o',
'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w',
'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '|', '}', '~', 0177
private int sym_hash( name )
register char *name;
register int hashcode = 0;
hashcode = (hashcode << 1) ^ (*name | 0x20);
while( *(++name) );
return( ((hashcode >= 0) ? hashcode : ~hashcode) % HASHSIZE );
* Compare 2 strings, case doesn't matter. Return value is an integer greater
* than, equal to, or less than 0, according as 's1' is lexicographically
* greater than, equal to, or less than 's2'.
public int str_eql( s1, s2 )
register char *s1, *s2;
register int cmp;
while( *s1 )
if( (cmp = lcase[*s1++] - lcase[*s2++]) != 0 )
return( cmp );
return( 0 - *s2 );
/* compare pattern with string, case doesn't matter. "*" wildcard accepted */
public int str_match( p, s )
register char *p, *s;
while( 1 )
if( *p == '*' )
/* skip past multiple wildcards */
while( *p == '*' );
/* if pattern ends with wild card, automatic match */
if( *p == 0 )
return( 1 );
/* *p now points to first non-wildcard character, find matching
* character in string, then recursively match remaining pattern.
* if recursive match fails, assume current '*' matches more...
while( *s != 0 )
while( lcase[*s] != lcase[*p] )
if( *s++ == 0 )
return( 0 );
if( str_match( p + 1, ++s ) )
return( 1 );
/* couldn't find matching character after '*', no match */
return( 0 );
else if( *p == 0 )
return( *s == 0 );
else if( lcase[*p++] != lcase[*s++] )
return( 0 );
/* find node in network */
public nptr find( name )
register char *name;
register nptr ntemp;
register int cmp = 1;
if( txt_coords and name[0] == '@' and name[1] == '=' )
if( (ntemp = FindNode_TxtorPos( name )) != NULL )
return( ntemp );
for( ntemp = hash[sym_hash( name )]; ntemp != NULL; ntemp = ntemp->hnext )
if( (cmp = str_eql( name, ntemp->nname )) >= 0 )
return( (cmp == 0) ? ntemp : NULL );
* Get node structure. If not found, create a new one.
* If create is TRUE a new node is created and NOT entered into the table.
public nptr GetNode( name )
register char *name;
register nptr n, *prev;
register int i;
prev = &hash[ sym_hash( name ) ];
for( i = 1, n = *prev; n != NULL; n = *(prev = &n->hnext) )
if( (i = str_eql( name, n->nname )) >= 0 )
if( i == 0 )
/* if( strcmp( name, n->nname ) != 0 )
fprintf( stderr, "Warning: Aliasing nodes '%s' and '%s'\n",
name, n->nname );
while( n->nflags & ALIAS )
n = n->nlink;
return( n );
/* allocate new node from free storage */
if( (n = (nptr) freeNodes) == NULL )
n = (nptr) MallocList( sizeof( struct Node ), 1 );
freeNodes = n->nlink;
n->hnext = *prev; /* insert node into hash table, after prev */
*prev = n;
/* initialize node entries */
n->ngate = n->nterm = NULL;
n->nflags = 0;
n->ncap = MIN_CAP;
n->vlow = LOWTHRESH;
n->vhigh = HIGHTHRESH;
n->c.time = 0;
n->tplh = 0;
n->tphl = 0;
n->t.cause = NULL;
n->nlink = NULL;
n->events = NULL;
n->npot = X;
n->head.next = last_hist;
n->head.time = 0;
n->head.val = X;
n->head.inp = 0;
n->head.punt = 0;
n->head.t.r.rtime = n->head.t.r.delay = 0;
n->curr = &(n->head);
/* store all node-names as strings */
i = strlen( name ) + 1;
n->nname = Valloc( i, 1 );
bcopy( name, n->nname, i );
n->trans = 0;
n->trans01 = 0.0; /* Set 0->1 transition count to zero (PEL 5/3/93) */
n->naliases = 0; /* Set alias count for node to zero (PEL 5/28/93) */
return( n );
public nptr GetNewNode( name )
char *name;
register nptr n;
int i;
if( VDD_node != NULL and str_eql( name, pnode( VDD_node ) ) == 0 )
return( VDD_node );
if( GND_node != NULL and str_eql( name, pnode( GND_node ) ) == 0 )
return( GND_node );
if( (n = (nptr) freeNodes) == NULL )
n = (nptr) MallocList( sizeof( struct Node ), 1 );
freeNodes = n->nlink;
n->hnext = n; /* node NOT inserted in hash-table */
n->ngate = n->nterm = NULL;
n->nflags = 0;
n->ncap = MIN_CAP;
n->vlow = LOWTHRESH;
n->vhigh = HIGHTHRESH;
n->c.time = 0;
n->tplh = 0;
n->tphl = 0;
n->t.cause = NULL;
n->nlink = NULL;
n->events = NULL;
n->npot = X;
n->head.next = last_hist;
n->head.time = 0;
n->head.val = X;
n->head.inp = 0;
n->head.punt = 0;
n->head.t.r.rtime = n->head.t.r.delay = 0;
n->curr = &(n->head);
/* store all node-names as strings */
i = strlen( name ) + 1;
n->nname = Valloc( i, 1 );
bcopy( name, n->nname, i );
return( n );
/* insert node into hash table. Keep table entry sorted in ascending order */
public void n_insert( nd )
register nptr nd;
register nptr n, *prev;
register char *name;
register int i = 1;
name = pnode( nd );
prev = &hash[ sym_hash( name ) ];
for( n = *prev; n != NULL; n = *(prev = &n->hnext) )
i = str_eql( name, n->nname );
if( i >= 0 )
if( i == 0 )
if( n != nd )
lprintf( stderr, "n_insert: multiple node '%s'\n", pnode( nd ) );
nd->hnext = *prev;
*prev = nd;
* Delete node from hash table, and free its name.
public void n_delete( nd )
register nptr nd;
register nptr n, *prev;
prev = &hash[ sym_hash( pnode( nd ) ) ];
for( n = *prev; n != NULL ; n = *(prev = &n->hnext) )
if( n == nd )
Vfree( n->nname );
n->nname = NULL;
*prev = n->hnext;
n->hnext = n; /* mark node not in hash-table */
* Visit each node in network, calling function passed.
* If 'fun' returns anything <> 0 then terminate prematurely.
public void walk_net( fun, arg )
int (*fun)();
char *arg;
register int index;
register nptr n;
for( index = 0; index < HASHSIZE; index++ )
for( n = hash[index]; n; n = n->hnext )
if( (*fun)( n, arg ) )
* Visit each node in network, calling function passed with arguments:
* node -> the current node.
* index -> number that identifies node in the hash-table.
* arg -> whatever argument the caller provided.
* If 'fun' returns FALSE then terminate prematurely.
public void walk_net_index( fun, arg )
int (*fun)();
char *arg;
register Uint mi, ma;
register nptr n;
for( ma = 0; ma < HASHSIZE; ma++ )
for( n = hash[ ma ], mi = 0; n; n = n->hnext, mi++ )
Ulong val = (mi << NBIT_HASH) | ma;
if( (*fun)( n, val, arg ) )
* Return a list of all nodes in the network.
public nptr GetNodeList()
register int index;
register nptr n, *last;
struct Node head;
last = &(head.n.next);
for( index = 0; index < HASHSIZE; index++ )
for( n = hash[index]; n != NULL; n = n->hnext )
*last = n;
last = &(n->n.next);
*last = NULL;
return( head.n.next );
* Return the node corresponding to the index number (returned by Node2index).
public nptr Index2node( index )
Ulong index;
register nptr n;
register unsigned ma, mi;
ma = index & ((1 << NBIT_HASH) - 1);
mi = index >> NBIT_HASH;
if( ma >= HASHSIZE )
return( NULL );
for( n = hash[ ma ]; n != NULL and mi != 0; n = n->hnext, mi-- );
return( n );
* Return a number that identifies the node in the name hash-table.
public Ulong Node2index( nd )
nptr nd;
register nptr n;
register unsigned mi, ma;
Ulong val;
if( nd != NULL )
ma = sym_hash( pnode( nd ) );
for( n = hash[ ma ], mi = 0; n != NULL; n = n->hnext, mi++ )
if( n == nd )
goto got_it;
mi = 0;
got_it :
val = (mi << NBIT_HASH) | ma;
return( val );
/* visit each node in network, calling function passed as arg with any node
* whose name matches pattern
public int match_net( pattern, fun, arg )
char *pattern;
int (*fun)();
char *arg;
register int index;
register nptr n;
int total = 0;
for( index = 0; index < HASHSIZE; index++ )
for( n = hash[index]; n; n = n->hnext )
if( str_match( pattern, pnode( n ) ) )
total += (*fun)( n, arg );
return( total );
/* return pointer to asciz name of node */
#define pnode( NODE ) ( (NODE)->nname )
/* initialize hash table */
public void init_hash()
register int i;
for( i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i += 1 )
hash[i] = NULL;